Ein polytechnisches Zentrum wurde errichtet!

Allen Menschen, die das Projekt "Hilfe für Ostafrika" bis heute unterstützt haben, sei an dieser Stelle ein herzliches DANKESCHÖN übermittelt. Großen Anteil am Bau des Polytechnikums hat die Firma NORAFIN. Durch ihre Spende und zahlreiche weiteren Spenden
ist es auch hier möglich geworden, dass für die Schüler in Kenia ein polytechnisches Zentrum gebaut werden kann!
Polytechnisches ZentrumPolytechnisches ZentrumPolytechnisches ZentrumPolytechnisches Zentrum

Der Direktor bedankt sich persönlich mit folgenden Worten:

On my friends in Germany

I wish to say MERRY CHRISMAS! Attached are pictures on the polytechnic. The IT room is almost ready.You see the painter doing the final touches with his brush. We shall be installing the equipment you bought for us the 1st week of January. Thank you!!


It was great hearing from you! It has been a busy year for us but I thank God for it. We have come to the end of the year and we are busy preparing std 8 pupils for the national exams which start tomorrow.

Christine your support this year has been momentous! 32 students have been successfully trained at the polytechnic this year. They all have certificates in 10 computer packages and some of them have already gotten jobs because of this. We are now in the process of taking new students for next year. We have enrolled 2 already. All the computers are in good working order. I hope some day soon you shall come and see it for yourself. Everybody is proud of what you have done for us! May God bless you.
I shall be sending you more pictures soon about the school and polytechnic.
Please pass our best regards to all our great sponsors!
Rafiki Peter.

Polytechnisches ZentrumPolytechnisches ZentrumPolytechnisches ZentrumPolytechnisches Zentrum

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